Category: Personal Blog

Book of Promises.

Joz has been struggling with migraines. She asked what I thought was wrong with her head. Talk about soul crushing for a momma for a

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{Election Day.} What a God given right we have. I voted early during one of the three days our power was out. Jared and I

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{Esther} Fun fact: This was almost JN’s name! No joke for most of my pregnancy we considered naming JN, Esther. I love the book of

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I was going through my pictures tonight and saw this. I haven’t really talked about it much. But, man I saw it and it brought

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Resurrection Eggs.

I don’t deserve Jozi Noel Kelley. 🤍 . Thing about Jo is- I don’t believe she wrote that she loved God on her paper at

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My sunshine.

{my sunshine ☀️} . The other night after I gave G a bath I wrapped him up in a towel like I always do. But, this

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Urgency of God.

Want to know a secret I’ve been holding on to? . A few months ago I wrote a blog post on the urgency of the

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Big Boy Room

{Big boy room} . I don’t know what it is about this milestone in particular, but I have never been so proud. It’s been about

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Talking Trauma.

Let’s talk trauma. . We have come a long way. A very long way. The little boy we brought home at 8 months old stared

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