Foster Care in Louisiana.

Last minute Dollywood trip. 🤍💗


Joz and I wore our FFF matching shirts.

Before we left for the night a man stopped me and inquired about our shirts. He asked if it had to do with actually fostering. I told him, yes! That it was my online women’s fitness business. I started to help pay for lawyer fees to be able to keep fighting for our foster son. I pointed at G who had just rode the cars and was eagerly wanting to ride again.


The mans face just lite up. He said he wanted me to meet his grandson.. his foster grandson that was. He motioned for his wife and she pulled back a blanket where the tiniest baby lay fast asleep. The baby didn’t match their family so to speak. Which made the smile on his face more precious. He said they had been fighting drug withdrawals. The baby was 5 weeks old. He said they had heard it may be a 2-3 year process, but hoped the Lord allowed them to adopt.


As I stood there next to one of the proudest grandpas I’d ever met (and maybe the first person I’d met from Louisiana) I realized the process for us had came full circle.


We are two weeks away from adoption and they were just weeks in. I told him the only thing I knew to maybe help. I said, “My friend the process is long and oh, so heavy. Sometimes you’ll feel defeated. But, no matter what God will be there. He has been so so good to us and I know he will to you.” I ask if we could pray for him.


So pray for my new friends in Louisiana. They have a long road and a lot of grace coming their way. đź’—đź’—

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