When She Saw Jesus.

This week as I was listening to the song, “Mary Did You Know” something crossed my mind that I have never thought about.

I have thought about how Mary was probably scared after receiving the news from the angel, Gabriel.

I have thought about how she felt when there was no rooms available to have the Savior while she was in labor.

I have thought about how she felt holding him for the first time. I often wondered if it felt exactly like holding my own children for the first time.

I have thought about how she felt when he performed the first miracle, and turned the water into wine.

How she felt after the next one and the next one.

Oh, how proud she must of felt listening to him preach to the crowds of people.

I have also thought about how pitiful she must have been when he gave up us life for us on the cross after being made fun of and tortured until his death. Especially, after witnessing an entire life lived sinlessly. Oh, my Momma heart.

But, this week I thought about something else.

As I listened to that song I’ve heard so many times I thought about how Mary must have felt when she closed her eyes here on earth for the last time and opened them in heaven.

To see Jesus.


She closed her eyes for the last time here to all the heartache of missing him and opened them to the Savior she once held in her arms.

Oh, how proud she must have felt. Oh, what a moment as she ran into the arms of her Savior. Her world. Her baby. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Oh, how she felt when she was finally able to wrap her arms around him again. Heaven’s Perfect Lamb.

Oh, what a Savior. Oh, Hallelujah.

Merry Christmas! ❤️

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