
Surprise 🤍 We ARE OPEN!!!August 3rd, 2021 the day after we adopted Gabriel we closed our home.Licensing needed to do a quarterly visit that same week that we adopted for us to stay open and we needed rest. So we closed.We also felt like God had written the most beautiful story and that we were very much done.Done with DSS.Done with home visits.Done with the unknown.Done with court dates.Done with waiting.Done with the paperwork.Done…This past February, I was sitting at my desk at school and the tidal wave of conviction hit once again. I knew it was crazy and unheard of after what we’d been through. I knew what people would think and say. “Are you sure?”, “Why would you sign up for that knowing what you’ve been through?” As I gave God every excuse that same day I also emailed licensing very unsure and scared. But, knowing that we were being called. Maybe God just wanted us to fill out the paperwork … just to see if we would be willing… like when Abraham took Issac up the mountain. Or maybe he just wanted us to through the home inspection. But, either We started the process again that day in February.6 months later we are licensed.Here’s what I know. We needed Jesus like I had never before experienced last time. We clung to his garment so tight. We needed God like water. I Can’t Wait for Him to use our family again. I can’t wait to feel His presence Like that again. I can’t wait to see what he’s writing. We do not know how this will look. I he knows our desires. He knows my heart. But, for now. We are just doing what he’s already ask us in His word to do. Take care of orphans. Here we are building our boat while it isn’t raining. (They thought that guy was crazy too.)Our home is officially OPEN!!!! 🤍We can’t wait to meet the baby God has for our family.We are asking you guys to come alongside us and pray.Specific prayers:1. God sends us the right baby/ child in His perfect time.2. Lord hold their hand and wrap his loving arms so tight to help he/ she get through whatever it might be going through until we can love on them so hard!3. God to take care of us, no matter the outcome.

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