He’s Still Good.

Today was G’s legally free day. •

Today the appeal period for termination of all rights to him was over. •

Today was the day we were told the fight was over. •

Today we were within a month of a WebEx adoption and were planning an adoption drive by parade for him. •

Today is day 512 G has been in foster care. …

Today is the day we were told 3 hours before our fight was officially over.. that his birth dad once again appealed the termination of his rights. •

Today we were told he is not legally free. •

Today we were told we have 6-9 more months before this appeal will be heard again. •

Today we were told my child may be 3 before he’s officially ours. •

Today my heart was shattered. •

Today I felt the system has failed G again by not yet getting justice for what has happened to him. •

Today I looked at our empty letter board I didn’t get use for his legally free day and I cried.

Today I held G and wondered how much he will now understand on his adoption in 9 months to a year. •

Today I felt like a mom that had come to the end her pregnancy, for the second time, ready to feel that ending and closer to have it stripped again. •

Today I realized I will spend my third Mother’s Day as Jane Doe not yet G’s momma on paper. •

Today the highs and lows of foster care crushed me. •

Today I grieved. •

But, today.
God is still good.
Today even with tears I know God is still God.
I do not understand why he allowed this or what he’s doing. I don’t understand why this road has been so long. But, I do know that G’s testimony expands much further than I can comprehend.
I know He is sovereign. I know I will never understand fully what He’s doing, but that it’s for the increase.
I pray as God increases G’s testimony through the next long hard wait he will show us a glimmer of it. Just a tiny ounce of His glory in G’s story. • &, if not He Is Still Good.

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