You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you.

We were 7 days away from the judge “closing G’s case.” Meaning we were 7 days away from TPR completely being granted and just waiting on our Adoption Day!

But, while getting ready in the hotel this weekend we got a phone call. I knew immediately what was happening when I seen Jim, our lawyers name on my phone.
 An appeal.

I am not going to lie. My heart felt like someone stuck a pin in it and it deflated it in the bathroom of the hotel room as he told me the details. Knowing that my family was waiting on me to get off the phone and everyone to have a wonderful day- I was going to have to pretend it was fine when I opened the door. I really just needed more than a minute to come to terms with our new position in our case.


We are now in the waiting again. My attitude now after having a few days to feel a tiny bit sorry for myself and come back from it is this: God is asking us to wait again. 



My flesh wants to so badly though just to say- I’m tired and lay down for a while.


But, last night as I was reading back over my Sunday School lesson on Habakkuk I read these words, “Look at the nations and watch– and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” Habakkuk 1:5.


The context being: Habakkuk the profit, ask God how long would he cry out for God to help while He wasn’t even listening. God’s reply: He was do something Habakkuk wouldn’t even begin to be able to understand… even if He told him so. He Had heard him and Had been listening to every word that was cried out. He told Habakkuk to look and be amazed at what He was going to do! (Hehe, thank you God for that timely reminder!)

God is listening to every prayer prayed on G’s behalf! He knew those prayers would be prayed when He was hanging on the cross! I believe if we hold on we will be amazed too!!!!

Ultimately, I fail big time on that end most days (the hold on and wait part.) But, in the end I hope that those once-in-a-while days that I show faith in this hope and reassurance and that someone will see Jesus in my family- as we sit and wait to be amazed. Because He is listening even when I do not think so.


He is!


 Xo, Brittany

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3 thoughts on “You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you.”

  1. God has got your back he is with you every step of the way just keep your head high he will answer your’s a long process our family has been There.prayers are with you.

  2. God is sovereign and in control, even in this totally broken world. Praying for you and your family. What a sweet baby boy ❤️
    “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”
    ‭‭James‬ ‭1:2-4‬ ‭ESV‬‬

  3. “Wait on the Lord…” Your family is living that verse before the eyes and hearts of all of us. You have shown how the Lord is your stronghold and ever present help in time of trouble. So many times we love saying those verses but to be asked to live them is harder. Your family does live it and act upon it. We here are praying for ya’ll and agree that “no weapon shall form against you.” Lord, hear their heart and let this come to pass that this child will be truly adopted into this family. We believe! Love you.

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