The last wait…

This last wait.

I can’t explain it. But, this last wait is different. It’s getting tough, but God filled.

It’s like we are at the Red Sea. God is letting us see his glory. Like we’ve walked for years to get to the water. Here we stand. This time we just wait for God to pull the vail back. He’s all in it. He is all in this last part. Like His presence is so real. We see the finish line. And, our hearts long for it everyday. My prayer is “thank you Lord for another day with our kids and help my heart to wait on you.”

We are tired/ so tired. But, it’s different. It’s like this time when He allows us to step into even more of His glory and grace. I think it will be profound. Like I’m not sure we even know what it will feel like yet. But, I do believe all of heaven is getting ready to rejoice alongside. Like angels are just leaning in. So hard to explain we are so ready, but I’m anxious to see so much of God in the final step.

Each day that passes I long more for our wait to be over, but each day longer God will get even more praise because of how thankful we are.

I can feel He’s preparing our hearts. Jared says it has been a journey. That’s about all he can get out without tearing up. I keep thinking about Moses when he ask to see more of His glory… I bet he shook unsure if his heart could even handle what he asked for.

God answered that by saying you can’t handle it, just some of it. That’s my God- he’s so good I’m anxious about the joy that floods my soul soon.

My heart overflows with the goodness of God. Pray for us as we wait here at the water’s edge. 🤍



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