When you don’t move the mountain…

We almost didn’t go through with pictures. I had outfits for the kids all ready because our adoption was suppose to be last week. •

But, then I decided I want to remember this- the disappointment, the heartache, the wait, and the peace we’ve found in it all. 

I searched for people that may have took pictures while they were waiting.. for maybe ideas. Nothing. I couldn’t find anything. 

So here’s the picture. The picture for when someone else needs to know another person has been where they are:

Here’s to the mommas, daddies, sisters, and babies that God is asking to wait. 

Here’s to the mommas waiting because of infertility. •

Here’s to the ones that are waiting to adopt. •

Here’s to the ones fighting hard for those foster babies to give them a voice when others may not understand. •

Here’s to foster parents waiting in limbo on another court appearance. •

Here’s to the mommas with children with special needs and sick babies waiting for answers and help. •

Here’s to the mommas praying hard for an answer the Lord hasn’t given them yet. •

Here’s to anyone He hasn’t move the mountain yet for. •

It’s taken me 2 years since we filled out the paperwork to see- that the waiting is where we are the closest to The Father. •

Where he molds us to listen and to make us more like him- while we wait. I’m not angry anymore. I was so angry and hurt at this appeal at first. But, now I know the Lord isn’t finished changing our hearts to see He allowed the wait again- for His glory. What bad advertisement for the Lord if we stayed angry and mad. When we have the greatest joy in Jesus no matter our circumstances. 🤍

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