Book of Promises.

Joz has been struggling with migraines. She asked what I thought was wrong with her head. Talk about soul crushing for a momma for a second. Sis has had a tough week.

I told her nothing absolutely nothing it was just perfect and smiled. And, I told her that she was having headaches and the doctors believe just that: headaches and we’d figured it out together. She smiled.

**The doctors have ruled have out so much stuff causing her headaches right now. No infection and no tumor. Praise the Lord! So we now just believe she’s going to be very prone to having migraines/ abdominal migraines…

Not fun, not easy, and hurting me to see her hurt. Oh my gracious it hurts. But, we’ve had two good days so we seem to be on the right track! 

I started telling Joz about how we can’t worry though because we have a book of promises.

Yep, a whole book that is filled with promises. She just smiled ear to ear as I named a few..

I told her we are promised to not walk alone.. EVER.

We are promised that ALL our needs will be met.

That we will not be forsaken.

That when our faith is tested God promises perseverance.

That in Jesus we have eternal life.

That He will strengthen and uphold us.

He has overcame the world.

He makes firm our steps.

He will give us rest.

His grace is sufficient.

By His wounds we are healed. (Amen 🙌🏻)

He will fight for us.

The weary will find strength and when we are weak he’ll give the increase.

When we go through Deep waters He will be with us.

Rivers won’t sweep over us and flames won’t burn us.

His unfailing love will not be shaken for us, nor his covenant of peace.

No weapon formed against us will prevail!


He will bind our broken hearts and set the prisoners free.

He will give us wisdom when we ask.

If we confess our sins, He promises to forgive!

He will be with us wherever we may go!

He is our stronghold.

He promised if we confess with our mouths, and believe in our hearts that God hath raised him from the grave we shall be saved.

He will make our paths straight.

And, he is our Fortress.

Thank you Jesus.

What did I miss? Share it below! I could read that list over and over.


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