Big Boy Room

{Big boy room}


I don’t know what it is about this milestone in particular, but I have never been so proud.

It’s been about two weeks now (I didn’t want to jump the gun until I knew for sure) that G has slept in his big boy bed.

He just decided in his mind he was sleeping there- that’s it and he did it.

So just like that we moved his crib out of his room. I really wondered so many times early on where he’d be when he slept in a regular bed and how he’d do.

And, it’s here that it happened. So as I’m really sad to see the crib leave because it means he’s growing up.

He’s growing up here.

So please tell me God isn’t good and gracious. I have cried happy tears today just thinking about it.

The baby we brought home slept in a rock-n-play beside me and woke up 10 times every night is sleeping in his own bed.

He was so behind developmentally that we got to see every thing:  the first time he sat up, rolled over, crawled, pulled up, walked, and now moved out of his crib.

It was like every step got saved for us so we didn’t miss a thing. How far you’ve come G makes me so proud to be your Momma.

I know this is a big step for every kid, but this kid of ours has literally fought through hell and back to get to this point.

And, I’m that mom about how dang proud I am of him. He’s the most relentless person I know. 🤍



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