{Baby Soap}
After, we got the call to pick G up we were told to swing by DSS first for paperwork and also a bag of items for him. The paperwork was our foster care agreement. And, then I was handed a duffle bag. Inside the bag had clothes someone had bought for a child 6-9 months and a few other things. I didn’t really see at the time. My immediate thought was aww no no save it for someone who needs it we can buy him what he needs. But, trying not to be rude and not really even being able to think properly- I took the bag.
Jared made a run to Walmart for all the different types of bottles they had because we had heard he wasn’t wanting to take a bottle. My sister came home with me to help. We strangely walked in and made circles around the house with him. Just so happy, but also a little in shock. We knew a bath was the first order business to help make him feel better. Baths make everyone feel better.
Well. We had no baby bath tub. After all, we were just told we wouldn’t be getting a little baby, but an older child. Ok, to the sink.. nope he couldn’t sit up. He was in such rough shape at the time and developmentally couldn’t sit up at 8 months at all actually. So to the tub and we’ll figure it out.
Ran the water just to realize- I have no baby soap.
In that moment I felt weirdly scared too. Like all the preparing to be unprepared to help him. His little face was so hurt I knew nothing else was going to work and I couldn’t hurt him with soap that would sting his poor eyes and his busted lip. … The bag!
My sister remembered the bag and sure enough there inside was baby soap/ shampoo.
Thank you Jesus for pressing on someone’s heart to buy that.
I hope I will also be the person that buys the soap. For that momma at 11pm needing baby soap. That has a room ready and waiting and just needs soap.
I think about that person who scanned the aisles with a servants heart. I wish I could tell them thanks. 🤍