Friday 3/26/2021

Friday 3/26/2021

Wild Things Weekend workout!



 3 sets of 5 of: Air Squat & Broad Jump review 


New Skill:


Practice holding for 5 sets of 10 seconds

– Hold the top of the push-up position (all the way up on hands)

– Looking for flat body position

– No “mountains and No “valleys” 🙂



6 min. EMOM:

odd mins.: :20 plank hold

even mins.: Max jumping jacks in :30 

*rest the remainder of the minute before switching exercises.


Bible Scripture for the week:

Genesis 1:1



  1. Look up the definition of a protein- tell us in your own words what that is and why it’s good for you. 🙂 
  2. Your favorite source of protein to eat. 

**Great First week my Friends!!! So proud of you!! Coach Brittany 

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