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  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Brittany.
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    • #103676
      Jessica Sutherland

        I just joined today after months of procrastinating!! I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared to death lol . I had gastric bypass a year ago and have went from 416 pounds to 273 as of today . I have no worked out much at all Ive just been in a Calorie deficit . I’m nervous as to how sore I’m gonna be the first week lol I also have had problems with being able to do a proper squat in the past so any advice would be great !!

      • #103685
        Stacie Seaborn

          I’ll be praying for you as you start. I just started this week. I have been sore but it has been bearable. Looking forward to the not so sore days!! We can do this:)

        • #103686
          Jessica Sutherland

            Thank u so much !! I’ll be praying for u as well we got this !!

          • #104267

              Yah! Welcome

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